Life-Work Balancing Act

Christ in Your Life

Christianity is not a religion - it's about relationship.  Christ is the Anointing.  The anointing to help you live an abundant life, not in your strength but in His.   Remember the story of Samson, he was not strong because he was big and quite muscular, on the contrary he was strong because of the anointing of God on him.   Similarly, there was David, a little ruddy boy.  But he knew the power of God on his life.   He stood up against impossibilities knowing that God had his back.  You too can stand up against impossible situations at work, knowing that the greater one lives on the inside of you, have a Christ consciousness through out the day and conquer your situations.  1 John 4:4

Never Condemned, Ashamed or Inferior

Many times Satan, our enemy will try to use well meaning people to make us feel as though we have to measure up to someone else standards.  Perhaps you have encountered a situation where you have a new leader and there was fragmentation in communicating all of the wonderful things you did.  

Then to your surprise,  you get your evaluation just to find out all those extra hours, the care you put into your work did not matter in your evaluation.  As a matter of fact, you were reprimanded for working overtime for taking on additional initiatives that helped out the organization.  

This was a blow to you, initially you want to get into the flesh and give that manager a piece of your mind.   But then you hear a still small voice that says "I got you", "I love you", I know the work you did", "be not afraid", "forgive them", "walk in my love." 1 Cor 13:4-8

Know this that your labor is not in vain.  Yes it hurts, but rise up in your spirit and say "Greater, Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.  I have a goodly heritage, the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. The Joy of th Lord is my strength and I am strong in Him." 

Remember Daniel had an excellent spirit.  Well guess what you do too.  If you need to make adjustments then do it, talk to the Holy Spirit and get guidance.  But know, that you are a king and a priests.  "No weapon formed against you shall prosper".  "You can do all things thru Christ who strengthens you".  "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world".  Now go conquer and be the best God has made you to be, the righteousness of God in Christ.  

Be Anxious, Stressed Out for Nothing or No One!

Monday morning, you have a meeting with your manager, you know the budget has been cut dramatically, because you were involved.  You also know people will be laid off as a result of the budget cuts.  When you meet with your manager you find out you have been cut as well.  You remember several months back when they assured you, you won't be cut but here you are, without a job. 

Hey, it's time to rebrand yourself.  Learn something new and take advantage of the off time to get your skills up to par. Start a business or write a book while you wait on that opportunity.  Don't look at things in life as a total negative, find the positive behind it.  

Do you love God? If so, then Rom 8: 28 says "All things work together for good, to them that love God..." Does God love you? Well we know He does, he gave His only begotten Son for us.  Then because this is true we can say " Nay, in all these thing we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." Read Rom 8:37.

Stress is real.  It can be a killer if you let it, so don't let it- take charge of your life.  Meditate on Phil 4:6-7.  We are to be careful, anxious, stressed out for nothing or no one.  

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